About This Site

I'm a Tech Guy for over 30 Years Knowledge of Computers, Networks, PC Gadgets. This site is to be used to share some of my knowledge and reviews

Outlook Sending From Shared Mailbox Sent Items Not Going To Shared Sent Items

If using a shared mailbox and you want the sent items to go into the shared sent items the easiest way is to add a registry item

Go to the following:


Add a DWORD  DelegateSentItemsStyle and give it a value of 1


Got this from here.



Outlook 2007 Search Does Not Work Windows 11

Found online from here.

Basically do the following:

Control Panel->Indexing Options->Modify->Unchecked “Microsoft Office Outlook”

Save everything and restart the Outlook.

Finding QuickBooks license info from a non bootable PC

Have a client who did not have the license info when installing QuickBooks on a new PC. The original PC is not bootable. I found this online.

Basically you need to find the QBRegistration.dat file and open it in Notepad. Inside is the Installation ID and License number and client ID

Shadow Copy and Windows 11

I have used Shadow Copy on all Windows servers and Windows 10 and everything works great. Windows 10 you have to manually setup but it works. Do the same setup for Windows 11 and it creates the shadow copy BUT they don’t show up under previous version in Windows Explorer. You have to use a 3rd party utility call Shadow Explorer

Here is one link into how to configure Shadow Copy for Windows 10 (same for Windows 11)


Windows 11 Netplwiz missing required password option fix

Change DevicePasswordLessBuildVersion under registry entry:

Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PasswordLess\Device

from 2 to 1 Then go into NETPLWIZ Now can change Uses must enter a user name and password to use this computer


Business Vision Won’t Allow Login From Workstation

If you have BusinessVision on a server and you can’t login from a workstation then check the Firewall settings on the server. Make sure if the network is configured with Domain/Private/Public that the Database Service Manager allows through Firewall with appropriate Network.

Sometimes rebooting the server may change the network from Domain to Private.

VoIP Calls disconnect after 15 Minutes with SonicWall

Found this on the Internet.

Basically from the comments I did the following:

I have found that SonicWalls NSA units have SPI and DPI causing major problems with VoIP.  Under Firewall Settings, go to settings and choose Maximium SPI Connections (DPI services disabled).  Also there is additional internal settings you can enable/disable by “\diag.html” ( .  Also under the Firewall Settings option, I would recommend increasing the Default UDP Connection Timeout to: 3600 seconds.

I also did the following:

Also, under “VoIP” settings, enable “Consistant NAT”.

Outlook O365 Gives Windows Security box

Client with O365 the Outlook started to prompt a Windows Security box asking for login and password. Entering the password fails and it would not work. Found this on the Internet.

Basically do the following:

  • Please go to this location in registry editor HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity

  • Delete EnableADALREG and EnableADAL keys

  • Restart the computer and then check the behavior of Outlook

  • If issue still persists, then go to the same location in registry editor HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity

  • Create a DWORD key EnableADAL and set the value 1

Fingerprint Reader Unavailable with Domain User

Just got a new Laptop with Fingerprint Reader to login. Works fine with a local account but when trying to setup with a Domain login it says its unavailable.

Found this on the Internet. Just need to add a DWORD to Registry.

Under Registry:


Add a DWORD:

AllowDomainPINLogon  with a value of 1


Restart PC and then you can configure fingerprint reader as a Domain user


Trying To Restore Windows 2008R2 From Backup Gives Error

Yes I still have a 2008R2 Server but they will be replacing it hopefully soon.

When I tried to restore from a GOOD Windows backup (On a 4TB drive) I get this:

bmrui.exe – Application Error

The instruction at 0xff10b494 referenced memory at 0x00000000.  The memory could not be read.

when attempt to restore system image from external hard drive.

Found the solution here

Basically I had to assign a drive letter from another PC and then re-attach it back to the server to do the restore.