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Outlook 2010 Gives ‘Cannot Open Outlook’ Error

A client that mixed up installing different versions of Office 2010. Has Office 2010 Pro and installed Office 2010 Business had an issue of starting Outlook 2010. It would give “Cannot Open Outlook” or “Cannot start Microsoft Outlook” error. When I went into Control Panel on Mail it would not start and would give an error “Your system needs more memory or system resources. Close some windows and try again”. So I could not go in and create a new Outlook Profile. I tried uninstalling all of Office 2010 and installed just the 2010 Business but it still came up with the same results. I searched online and people said if you created a new windows user profile it will work. I am sure it would have but I did not really want to go through the hassle of setting up everything on the new profile. I came across this MS thread and this article that someone answered that fixed my issue. The fix was to go into the registry and rename a register item:

Open regedit (press WinKey+R, enter “regedit” in the Open field, then press Enter).  Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\

Look for Windows Messaging Subsystem

Right-click on it and rename it to Windows Messaging Subsystem OLD

Close regedit and start Outlook. It will start the wizard for creating a profile.


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