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Add F8 Safe Mode Option To Windows 10

One of the things that Microsoft did with Windows 10 (and Windows 8) was remove the option to switch to Safe Mode or Repair by pressing the F8 Key on boot. Why they did this was to improve boot time. I think it was a wrong move. Just to save a few seconds of time you remove a trouble shooting option that could help solve boot problems. Sure Windows 10 can detect an issue with boot and try and help fix the problem but not all the time.

I found this on the web to easily add the F8 legacy menu option. Basically you start a command prompt with Administrator rights (Right click the Windows 10 start menu and select Command prompt (Admin)) and then type the following (or copy and paste):

bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy

Once its successful then reboot the PC. Press the F8 button at beginning of boot and you will get the legacy menu back.

If you want to revert back to the normal Windows 10 boot that does not give you the option of F8 do the same thing except type this:

bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard


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