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PhotoGallery msi error on Startup

I have seen this on a few PCs that come in that when you start up Windows it tries to install PhotoGallery and asks for a disk. Its related to an HP driver install. To remove this do the following:

Download and install the Windows Installer Cleanup  utility from this link


Then find it in your programs menu open it and scroll down to the Photo Gallery file and delete it .

Then restart your computer

35 comments to PhotoGallery msi error on Startup

  • This worked like a charm for me. Thanks for putting the solution out there for all to find.

  • Steve

    Glad To Help

  • L.Lea

    thank you thank you thank you ………..the photo gallery error just started up a week ago ……since I am technically challenged I assume immediately the problem is of course mine……I am sure it is one of those buttons I pushed too quickly…. then pushed OK and then whine while asking myself … ‘what did I just do?’

    Anyway finally started searching and lo and behold there were others experiencing the same issue …..then there was Steve with the answer! Every other site that ‘claimed’ to have the answer wanted me to join/sign-up etc. Since I have the patience of a gnat you know how that worked out! Thanks again …..’twas easy! Lea

  • Steve

    Thats what the site is for . To help people in need. Thanks for the compliment.

  • Linda

    Thank you – I am going to see what other issues you can help me resolve!

  • Steve Wolf

    dear steve

    thanks got rid of photogallery.msi request

    but, now i get message: “value cannot be null
    parametername: path1” OK box I click box and it goes away.

    How do I get rid of this??

    thanks steve wolf

  • Steve thanks a lot!!! This error just made me sick everytime i start my pc. Now, after your help, its working!

    Best reagards!!!

  • Norm. B.

    August 18, 2008 @ 7.10pm EST

    Thank You For Ending Weeks of Frustration.

    Never! Has a Problem Been Solved so Quickly.

    You Have Made my Day.

    Norm. in Canada

  • rayzart

    It was not listed on the utility…

  • MizHope

    ok, the cleanup utility worked but and removed the script from startup but I don’t have Photogallery in my programs, not in my menu, not Control panels Add or Remove. So now what? My HP Scanner ins’t turning on either, although the computer recognizes it every time i open it.
    Argghh! 🙂

  • Steve

    The utility removes all traces of the program. Why your scanner won’t turn on is probable a problem with the scanner.

  • alurban

    Every other site I visited made everything too complicated. Then I found yours. Thanks, I will definitely return and pass on to others how you helped.

  • Steve

    Thanks, Glad to help

  • Downloaded and ran the utility as directed, unfortunately, the program file, Photogallery, was not in the list of selections when I opened the utility file. Have I missed something?

  • Steve

    If the Photo Gallery is not listed in the Windows Installer Cleaner utility then the partial installation of the program Photo Gallery must not be registered in the registry. Suggest reinstalling the HP/Dell device (Printer or scanner) again to see if goes in and then run the cleaner again to see if it shows up.

  • Wilson

    My “PhotoGallery” problem was caused when I uninstalled my HP J4680 All-in-One printer software which erroneously removed files required, but not needed, by my HP All-in-One 1610 printer software. Reinstalling the HP J4680 All-in-One printer CD did not solve the problem. The 1620 CD was provided to Windows Installer, as this is the location of PhotoGallery, not the J4680 CD that removed it. Windows XP then created the necessary entries on my C: drive to eliminate the problem.

  • John

    I looked in my “Programs” folder under Explore and I did not find PHotoGaller.msi. Where is this located?

  • Steve

    After you install the Windows Installer cleaner then run the cleaner from the start menu. In there look for the PhotoGallery to remove. If you don’t see it listed then it will be harder to remove. Suggest google manual removing.

  • swramsay

    It is November 15, 2009. Thank you for the quick, appropriate fix to the photogallery problem. You were the ONLY one with the right fix and the ONLY one that was simple and quick. I am sure I will return to your valuable site!!

  • Steve

    Thanks for for your comment. I try to help others that have similar issues I come across.

  • TBaer

    Thanks for the accurate information and quick fix. Glad I found your post – the others I checked out didn’t help. Will bookmark your site for future reference. With much appreciation, -t

  • johnj

    Hi steve

    Just like to say a big big thankyou! I suddenly started having the problem of ‘PhotoGallery.msi, trying to install everytime i started up my computer. I tried help forums but sadly all their advice twas to no avail. It was really driving me mad, I spent hours trying to get rid of it and wondering how it got there? I did the most sensible thing and found your site and downloaded ‘windows installer cleanup’. Thanks again very much, well apreciated!

  • Eric Hulbert

    Dear Steve,
    Thankyou for your help on PhotoGallery problem at startup.Really did have a runaround on numerous websites without any specific steps to clear up problem. Your simple 3 step solution worked perfectly. A very grateful South African.
    Eric Hulbert

  • John

    This PhotoGallery.msi problem on startup began after I tried uninstalling some HP printer software following the aquisition of a new Canon printer.I still can’t get rid of all the HP software but following your simple instructions the PhotoGallery has been removed from the computer and the startup problem is solved. Have spent ages trying various alleged solutions which either didn’t work or were too complicated for me to follow. Your advice worked great, wonderful, brilliant,excellent, marvellous etc.Thanks a mill. John, Liverpool, England

  • dcul53

    I searched for awhile and found this forum. thanks Steve for the tip. It worked fantasically!!!!!!

    You are fabulous.

    Doug C

  • grateful

    Thank you sooo much! Worked like a charm!

  • Jimson

    Haven’t rebooted yet but eager to see resullts. I’m an optimist so the gratuity from all the others should speak for itself.
    No the less, the process from “Supersteve” is going exactly according to instruction. Thanks for your contribution to cleaning up crap!

  • Yassien

    thank you

  • Yuriy

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!

  • me salta error 1500 another installation in progress. you mus complete that installation before continuing this one

  • Rajesh

    Thanks its working fine 🙂

  • Hi Steve
    I’m a freshman to this kind of stuff. Ive just got hold of the Silvercrest USB Video Grabber. Even though I have the full retail version of CyberLink PowerDirector 6 I downloaded the PowerDiractor 9 OEM.the same thing happens on starting the PD it says- “The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable”. Please point myself in the right direction Thankyou John

  • So you get the error when you run PowerDirector? If so have you tried uninstalling the PowerDirector and then reinstalling?

  • Martin

    Thank you Mate. This fixed my problem. This problem was frustrating me.
    Thanks again and keep up the good work.
