About This Site

I'm a Tech Guy for over 30 Years Knowledge of Computers, Networks, PC Gadgets. This site is to be used to share some of my knowledge and reviews

Outlook Sending From Shared Mailbox Sent Items Not Going To Shared Sent Items

If using a shared mailbox and you want the sent items to go into the shared sent items the easiest way is to add a registry item

Go to the following:


Add a DWORD DelegateSentItemsStyle and give it a value of 1


Got this from here.




Outlook Opens And Then Closes

Got a few calls and clients seem to be having this major issue. Searched and seems there was a MS update that has caused this. Found the following solution:

Run CMD as Administrator (Click start button and type cmd, right click on cmd.exe and run as administrator)

At the command prompt type the following command:


Outlook 2016 opens with “Something is wrong with one of your data files and outlook needs to close.”

Had this exact error for a client. Found here for solution.

The solution was as follows:

In regedit, go to: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\PST Delete the following two keys: LastCorruptStore and PromptRepair Start Outlook That’s it.

Outlook 2016 Trying To Connect To Exchange 365 Password Prompt Disappears

Client that has Outlook 2016 and one of his emails connects to Exchange 365 account. Something went around and everyone using the account had to re login with email address and password. For this client there would be a white box with nothing in it pop up for a few seconds and then […]

Google IMAP Slow Or Gives Error In Outlook

I have a client that has a corporate google email account and is configured with IMAP in Outlook 2010. Some of them have a lot of emails and folders. Some are experiencing errors of syncing.

A lot have the syncing running a long time. I found this video that helps […]

Sending Outlook Email Body Of Message Is Blank

Have a client running Office 365 with Outlook 2016 and when sending an email the body of the email is blank when the recipient gets the email.

Searched online and the following post fixed my problem.

Basically the fix is below:

Open regedit

Locate the key – Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\{version number}\Outlook\Preferences

create a DWORD (32bit) called DisableTNEF


Why Outlook Is The Best Email App

I have dealt with many email applications over 25+ years. I use Gmail for personal email from the days when you had to get invite for it. I love Gmail for a lot of thing. Before that it was Eudora!! Best personal email ever before online email. I have used Outlook Express , […]

Outlook Can’t Open Attachments

Have seen this on a couple computers. Usually people running Outlook 2010. After a Windows/Office update they can’t open attachments. In Outlook it will specify something like attachment is unsafe. One of them was .docx. Microsoft does not want you to open their own file format for Word in Outlook!! I understand why […]

Mapi was unable to load the information service APLZOD.dll

Client with Outlook 2016 with iCloud add-on could not open Calendars. Got the following error:

The set of folders cannot be opened. An unexpected error has occurred. MAPI was unable to load the information service C:\PROGRA~2\COMMON~1\Apple\INTERN~1\APLZOD.dll. Be sure the service is correctly installed and configured.

Its related to iCloud not working. Googled it […]

Outlook Prints Only One Page Then Stuck

At a clients site that was having printing issues. Could print from any program fine except Outlook. Soon as they printed from Outlook it would only print first page and then nothing else and nothing else could print until turning the printer off then on. Turns out that the page type in the […]